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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ang Pow Lost & Found x2

Hey hey!!! Went back to school on Monday morning and received a nice Mickey Mouse ang pow from Auntie HS. Then, I got distracted with the toys in school and left my ang pow somewhere out there in the playground. Yep, u are right. I did not hand it to my mama as I should have...

When Momi was alerted about the ang pow by Auntie HS during lunch, she came into my class during my nap time to check with the teachers. Lucky ah, one of the kids from my class picked it up and played with it a bit. Ms Begum was alert to see that and she thought it was part of the CNY decoration and stuck it back on the wall. When she heard Momi asking for it, she quickly referred her to the wall and there it was, intact with $ inside. So lucky leh!!!

So, the ang pow was put into Momi's bag.... but she forgot about it until the next evening. She hunted high and low and could not find my Mickey Mouse ang pow. Heard mumbling to herself -"This Mickey Mouse hor! So sneaky leh. Goes missing the second time... where huh?!". She concluded that she probably dropped it somewhere along the way. Finally, she searched my backpack again and true enough, my ang pow was guai-guai inside. How did it get there? Heh heh... it turned out that Momi showed it to me in the train and placed it in my bag in a rush to get off and she totally forgot all about it.

Well, as the saying goes "What's mine, will be mine". I rest my case. :p

Monday, February 04, 2008


我亲爱的爸爸!!! 我强壮的爸爸!!!


我亲爱的妈妈!!! 我可爱的妈妈!!!


Haha!!! Have been practising the CNY song "财神到!" to score points with the elders at home and hopefully, secure bigger ang pows this year. Hei hei!!! Momi and Dadi said that there is one particular verse which I must sing loud and clear to my grandparents and this is it -
"从此我交好运, 财源滚滚来. 做生意, 它一本万利, 买马票, 他得心应手... 财神到! 财神到!"

I wish my gramps, D&M, JJs, XJ Jie-jie and all my relatives a Prosperous Lunar New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai!!! And I wish myself a bountiful Lunar New Year with lots of festive goodies to munch on and loads of fat ang pows to stuff in my pockets!!!