Lilypie 4th Birthday PicLilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Remember that Momi updated you folks that I am such a big kay-poh and loves to help out with the household chores, especially meddling with the magic mop and clean up the floor? Well, here are some pictures to prove to you that SUPER Mario is hard at work. Where else would you find such a hardworking domestic helper who would devote 20 mins to just clean up the floor in the living room? This helper some more don't cut corners one. He would really squat down and clean those hard-to-reach spots under the TV console, sofa and coffee table leh. Kudos to SUPER Nai Nai and Momi cos SUPER Mario learnt all the house-keeping tips from them. Keke!!!

So busy, so busy... no time to bother with Momi, no time to stop and pose for pictures either. Focus, focus. Must get rid of that black spot in that corner...

Finally, got time to catch some breath. Let u take my picture to enter for the most diligent domestic worker contest, K? Must posed with my tool which helps me earn my neng-neng and biscuits leh.

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