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Monday, May 15, 2006

Da Chang Jin (Part 2)

The horror of all horrors!!! Last night when we went back to Nai Nai's house, Ye Ye and Nai Nai were watching the Da Chang Jin VCD!!! Nai Nai must have bought it over the weekend!!! Oh no!!! More of Da Chang Jin!!!

Remember I told you that my lullaby has became the Da Chang Jin theme song? Yeah, Notti Momi sang it to me on Saturday afternoon and night and I decided that enough was enough. I need not put up with the song anymore. I simply covered my ears to block out the song. Alas!!! It backfired cos Notti Momi found it funny and sang the song lagi more often, just to catch me covering my ears... So notti you, Momi. (Momi said "It was a bad move on your part, darling boy!)

Anyway, Momi also derived some fun out of the whole Da Chang Jin episode. She would leave her i magazine in front of me and asked me to look for "Hu Ta La, Hu Ta La" (extracted from the theme song lah). I would guai-guai flip to the page which featured the synopsis on Da Chang Jin and point to the picture of Da Chang Jin lor. I not stoopid, you know. I can understand what the adults are saying leh! U adults are the lousy ones cos you do not know what I am saying lor. That's why they say babies are the greatest pretenders and conspirators. We can be so angelic in front of outsiders and yet terrorises our folks 24/7 at home. Hiak hiak!!!

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